It's been a long time since I used this app. Uninstaller it.
Easy to use
Just what I needed so useful simple 2 🤩😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🙈🙉🙊#not a bot
Love this app. Helps in identifying which category bracket your income falls under and break down how much you make before and after tax are taken
Not bad, but no way result can be copied to be used in other apps
Works really good with no problems. Plus it was very helpful to what I needed to estimate.
Needs an option for percentages in a 401k
Good calculator, but not taking into account dependent (asking but not deducting). Should ask for under 17 yr old depends and over 17 and deduct from tax liability the correct amount. Under 17, 2000 over 17 500.
It's cool, just need a few more options for a person that gets played on a weekly basis. I drive trucks for a living.